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The relaxation on non-national helpless children and youth applying naturalisation and its procedure

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  • 友善列印
  • 地點:Taiwan
  • 發布日期:
  • 單位:Ministry of the Interior
  • 更新日期:2020/07/23
  • 點閱次數:244
The relaxation on non-national helpless children and youth applying naturalisation and its procedure

The non-Taiwanese children and youth born in Taiwan are classified as Taiwanese when:

1. The mother is foreigner, father is Taiwanese and claims the child (youth);

2. The mother is foreigner, father is foreigner or unknown, and the child shares the same nationality with either parent;

3.Both parents are unidentifiable;

4. The mother is foreigner and her whereabouts is unknown due to her departure from Taiwan or being repatriated, and the father is unidentifiable. The child (youth) is recognized as stateless according to Nationality Act after the mother is classified as missing person or is confirmed by the government of the mother’s originated country of no nationality registered of the child (youth). After being adopted by Taiwanese, the child (youth) can apply naturalization according to Nationality Act; in the case of no adoption, social welfare association is in place for the application for naturalization. The identification of the child (youth) can be properly solved under such categorization.

For Nationality Act regulation, go to RIS Website or contact your local government or Household Registration Office.
