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Relaxation on Basic language ability criteria for naturalisation

  • 回上一頁
  • 友善列印
  • 地點:Taiwan
  • 發布日期:
  • 單位:Ministry of the Interior
  • 更新日期:2020/07/23
  • 點閱次數:253
Relaxation on Basic language ability criteria for naturalisation

The criteria of language ability and national basic knowledge for rights and obligation for the application for Taiwan naturalisation are relaxed. From June 3, 2017, for foreigner divorcee due to domestic violence and is not remarried, widow or widower who is not remarried and it is established the continuous contact with the family or relatives of the deceased spouse or the marriage with Taiwanese spouse has been more than two years, and is in fact supporting Taiwanese child(ren) who do(es) not have or has restricted capacity to make juridical acts, exercising rights and assuming duties, or the parent is meeting with the child(ren), the total hours of courses opened domestically by government authorities for the application for naturalisation hasbeen deducted from total 200 hours to total 72 hours; the standard for the test scores is 60 instead of 70. 

Go to website for Nationality Act related information or contact with local government or household registration office.
