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Consumer Protection

The Ministry of Education reminds students to be mindful of their safety during activities and to be cautious about fraud during the summer vacation period.

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  • 地點:臺灣
  • 發布日期:
  • 單位:教育部
  • 更新日期:2024/01/19
  • 點閱次數:32

In the face of ever-changing methods of fraud, students must remember three anti-fraud steps when engaging in various activities: remain calm, verify carefully, and immediately report to the police or call the 165 anti-fraud consultation hotline for help. To improve the campus fraud recognition advocacy work, the Ministry of Education has established the Anti-Fraud WebSite, “Anti-Fraud Area, Ministry of Education (https://reurl.cc/Adx93Q)” to provide real-time updates on the most recent fraud prevention and control information, policies, laws, and regulations, which can be promoted and applied in respective schools during advocacy.

When participating in various activities, such as riding motorcycles and micro electric two-wheeled vehicles, qualified safety helmets must be worn in accordance with regulations. Indoor activities should be held in locations free of safety hazards, and escape routes and equipment should be familiarized. When engaging in mountain climbing, mountain education, and other outdoor activities, carefully assess risks, implement safety management, and depart when fully prepared. Emerging narcotics on the market are hidden from public view behind various packaging, reducing drug users’ awareness of narcotics. Students have been asked to be more vigilant in order to avoid accidental use and health consequences.

If students notice suspicious people following them, they should immediately call the number 110 to report a case, notify teachers, or run to places with larger crowds for help. Students who rent houses off campus should make sure the electricity and gas are turned off before going to bed to ensure home safety. Students should pay attention to internet usage habits, time management, and other issues in order to avoid relying too heavily on computers, communication devices, and consumer electronics. Winter is the peak season for COVID-19, influenza, streptococcus pneumonia, mycoplasma pneumoniae, and other diseases. Please observe proper personal hygiene.

Personnel on duty in schools of all levels must stand firm and remain in their posts to monitor the school’s situation and the safety of its students. If you are notified of a student accident, you should report it in accordance with the Ministry of Education’s “Procedural Guidelines for Campus Safety and Reporting of Hazardous Events”. For emergencies or assistance, contact the Campus Security Report Center, Ministry of Education (02-33437855-33437856) or the Campus Security Center of K-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education (04-37061349). The Campus Security Center has dedicated personnel who work 24-hour shifts.
