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4 Tips to Prevent Heat Injury for Children during a Happy and Healthy Summer Vacation

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  • 友善列印
  • 地點:臺灣
  • 發布日期:
  • 單位:衛生福利部
  • 更新日期:2023/07/14
  • 點閱次數:37

According to the “Real-time Epidemic Surveillance and Early Warning System” of the Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Health and Welfare, as of June 30 this year, the number of heat-related injuries in people under the age of 18 was 89, which was 2.3 times the number of visits in the past three years. The environments where heat injuries are likely to occur include hot and stuffy outdoor areas, indoor areas with poor ventilation, and enclosed car compartments. As summer vacation approaches, it is a good time for children to participate in various activities! Whether indoors or outdoors, it is crucial or everyone to know how to reduce or avoid the risk of heat injury!

In particular, because of young children’s small bodies, fast metabolism, and faster evaporation of water from the body’s surface, they sweat more easily. They are also limited by their language skills and self-care ability, so they are unable to take in water, rest and wipe sweat in a timely manner; while older children are too involved in the process of activities and ignore the discomfort caused by high temperatures and dehydration. Once they find that their bodies or consciousness is strange, they may already have symptoms of heat injury.

Director Wu Chao-chun of the Health Promotion Administration reminds that it is important to avoid going out between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. to reduce injuries caused by high temperatures, and provides four tips to prevent heat injuries for children to reduce the threat of heat injuries and protect their health.

Lightweight clothing: Dress in light colors and breathable materials, so children feel as comfortable as adults in the same thickness of clothing, and it is not recommended to have too much coverage for children’s clothing. Also, when using a backpack or carrier, prioritize the use of breathable and comfortable materials to avoid sweating, and choose a ventilated and shady place to rest.

Drink water at all times: Whether indoors or outdoors, replenish water at the right time and in the right amount; avoid instantly replenishing large amounts of water or ice water; and do not replace it with sugary drinks to keep the body hydrated and avoid dehydration and other symptoms.

Pay attention to children: Take small transportation vehicles (baby carriages) as an example. Whenever you leave the car, please be sure to check whether the children have also, so as to avoid regrettable incidents because the children are asleep and left in the car; in addition, in the case of a sedan, for example, you should not leave your child alone in the car with doors locked just because the child is sleeping; or if an adult is getting out of the car for a short stop, please take the child with you. If you find that your child is not feeling well during an activity, you should immediately stop the activity, rest and hydrate as soon as possible.

When children are suspected to have heat-related symptoms, such as fatigue or reduced mobility, it is important to leave the high-temperature environment quickly, try to lower their body temperatures (e.g., by their loosening clothing, wiping their bodies with water or fanning), and drink cool water or an electrolyte drink. If your children experiences heavy sweating, thirst, nausea and vomiting, mild confusion, fainting or feeling like that they are about to faint, and their body temperatures continue to rise, and they experience a cessation of sweating, red cheeks, dry skin, and severe confusion or disorientation or even coma, please seek medical attention or call 119 as soon as possible.

The Health Promotion Administration reminds the public that while preparing children for heat preventation, parents should also keep an eye on your own health, please hydrate in a timely manner, and make good use of shade and sunscreen to stay away from heat-related injuries, so parents and children can have a fun and healthy summer vacation!
