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New Southbound Policy

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  • 友善列印
  • 地點:臺灣
  • 發布日期:
  • 單位:行政院
  • 更新日期:2023/07/14
  • 點閱次數:48

The New Southbound Policy is a strategic plan based on Taiwan’s economic development needs and the principles of mutual benefits and diversified development. At the same time, it is also as an active preparation of the country’s energy and the participation in the integration of the regional economy. 

Through the four major aims of promoting economic and trade cooperation, talent exchange, resource sharing, and regional linkages between Taiwan and ASEAN, South Asia, and New Zealand and Australia at all levels of economic and trade, technology, culture, etc. and by sharing resources, talents and markets, a new mutually beneficial model will be created; and through the establishment of an extensive consultation and dialogue mechanism, a consensus on cooperation with new southbound countries will be forged. The relevant issues and differences will be effectively resolved to gradually accumulate mutual trust and build a “sense of economic community.”

Since the promotion of the New Southbound Policy, various collabration projects have become increasingly focused. The government has also enhanced the effectiveness of information sharing, resource integration and cooperation among ministries through the operation mechanism of the New Southbound working team. During this period, various sectors of the society, private enterprises and academic organizations have also actively participated in the implementation of the Policy. The benefits of the Policy have become more comprehensive and in-depth as a result of the joint cooperation between the government and the private sectors.

The Government has taken into account the needs of partner countries and the demands of Taiwan, launching many collabration projects that showcase Taiwan’s soft power. For example, the Ministry of Health and Welfare officially launched the “One Country, One Center” strategy in June 2018 to promote collbration with seven new southbound partner countries in medical and health personnel training, medical and health industry bridging, and Taiwanese health consultation services, creating a culturally friendly medical environment, and medical and health-related industry regulations and market research, as well as leading the medical and health industry out of Taiwan through Taiwan’s excellent medical and health strength. In August 2018, the Council of Agriculture established an agricultural demonstration zone in Indonesia, introducing Taiwan’s excellent fertilizers, agricultural machinery, seedlings, and agricultural management techniques, creating a win-win situation for both countries. All of the above events have enabled the public, enterprises and partner countries to feel the concrete benefits of the New Southbound Policy.

In the future, all government agencies will continue to build on the existing solid foundation, increase mutually beneficial collaboration with partner countries, and accumulate comprehensive progress in the areas of economic and trade cooperation, talent exchange, resource sharing and regional linkages, while also focusing on the planning and implementation of large-scale, highlight projects and concrete presentations.
