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In June, the electric vehicle (EV) charging system at CPC Corporation’s gas stations went online. During the trial run, there are two weeks of free charging.

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  • 地點:臺灣
  • 發布日期:
  • 單位:經濟部
  • 更新日期:2023/06/21
  • 點閱次數:44

Taiwan’s CPC Corporation has installed electric vehicle (EV) chargers at 100 gas stations nationwide and has completed the development of an EV charging operation system, which went online on June 1, 2023. To familiarize consumers with the system, free charging was provided until June 14 for two weeks. Subsequently, the charging service fee was adjusted to NT$3 per minute, but payments must be made via the mobile application “CPC Pay.” EV owners may access this application. In response to the global energy policy trend, the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, and the goal of reaching net zero emissions by 2050, the CPC Corporation, in conjunction with the “Plan for Popularizing Smart Electric Vehicle Energy Supplementation Facilities” (Public Construction Plan) of the Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, has deployed EV charging stations in succession since 2018. In Taiwan, 100 gas stations have been outfitted with fast-charging stations for electric vehicles. As part of the government’s promotion of “not collecting fees,” the public was initially provided with a welcoming and diverse energy supplementation environment.

The CPC Corporation has currently completed the EV charging operation system. Future implementation of the charging service fee collection mechanism will be based on the principle that users pay the rate of NT$3 per minute. Prior to charging, consumers must download the “CPC Corporation PAY” APP, which makes charging, paying, and checking out quick and convenient. Additionally, the “CPC Corporation Pay” application can be used to search the status of gas station charging piles in real time.

The EV charging system is now online. During the trial run (from June 1, 2023, to June 14, 2023), consumers are offered free charging to familiarize them with the new launch interface. Owners of electric vehicles are welcome to utilize the convenient charging services. In addition, public restrooms that are well-lit and sanitized are available at all CPC Corporation gas stations. In addition to the CUP&GO Café, quick maintenance, and free charging, additional value-added services are available. While consumers are recharging their cars, they can also replenish their energy with a cup of coffee!
