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Epidemic prevention

To keep African swine fever at bay

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  • 友善列印
  • 地點:臺灣
  • 發布日期:
  • 單位:內政部移民署
  • 更新日期:2022/10/21
  • 點閱次數:73

1.Recently, illegally contained pork products have been repeatedly found in international parcels, and the African swine fever virus nucleic acid was detected after sampling and inspection. According to the statistics of Bureau of Animal and Health Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan ((BAPHIQ)), the illegal imports were sent by post. The source countries (regions) of postal parcels containing animal quarantine materials include Hong Kong, mainland China, Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Malaysia, etc. The common illegal imported pork products include car noodles, phoenix egg rolls, meat muffins, moon cakes, ham, sausages and Pork jerky and fried pork rind, etc. In order to implement border quarantine measures, please pay attention to the following matters:

 (1) Do not carry animal products when entering, people should remind their relatives and friends in foreign countries not to mail pork goods to Taiwan.

 (2) If the country (region) where African swine fever has occurred in the past 3 years illegally brings pork products into the country and is seized Offenders will be fined NT$200,000 for the first time and NT$1 million for repeated violations. If the person does not have resident status, and he/she fails to pay the NT$200,000 fines immediately. In this case, Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, Council o Agriculture, Executive Yuan (BAPHIQ) branch can turn him/her to National Immigration Agency. In the end, he/she will be denied entry to the country.

 (3) From May 20,2022, from the countries (regions) where African Swine Fever occurs, the imported pork products sent by post to the recipients from Taiwan, offenders will be fined NT$200,000 for the first time and NT$1 million for repeated violations from May 20, 2022.
