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Workshop-how new resident start a business (taking broad game center as an example

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  • 友善列印
  • 地點:臺灣
  • 發布日期:
  • 單位:桃園市政府
  • 更新日期:2022/09/28
  • 點閱次數:85
Workshop-how new resident start a business (taking broad game center as an example

The founder of the board game center, Cheng Ning, was invited to share the process of starting up the board game center, and also lead the participants to have a game experience and quiz.

Let’s learn about our personality traits and organize a business plan that suits you📝📇

Sign up to understand your entrepreneurial personality 👉https://forms.gle/dAkz79ocSDhuVDEt5

🔔 Date: October 14th (Friday)

🔔 Time: 2pm-4pm

🔔 Venue: Taoyuan City New Immigrants Empowerment Center (6th Floor, No. 60 Mingde Road, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City)

📍Facing the main entrance of Xinming Building, taking the elevator on the B side of the left intersection to the 6th floor!

📣If you have any questions about registration, please send private message via Facebook/official LINE@ to ask 📣

☎️ (03) 402-0156 Ms. Chen
