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Medical Care

In response to the strong earthquake on the island’s east coast on September 17 and 18, the safeguard medical treatment for injured people.

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  • 地點:臺灣
  • 發布日期:
  • 單位:中央健康保險署
  • 更新日期:2022/09/27
  • 點閱次數:56

A strong earthquake hits the east coast and brings serious accidents such as broken bridges and house collapses, moreover, many people get injured from it. National Health Insurance Administration (MOHW) indicates that people who fail to get National Health Insurance (NHI) IC card or are damaged, they are still available for Exceptional Medicinal Treatment.

For people who don’t have an HNI IC card for medical treatment, MOHW has made “The name list for Exceptional Medicinal Treatment from National Health Insurance” for all designated hospitals. These medical institutions are required to fill date of examination, department (outpatient or inpatient), name, date of birth, ID card number, contact, and address of people who are seeking medical treatment. Inquiry hotline: 0800-030-598.

Additionally, the Eastern Divisions of MOHW appeal to designated hospitals in Yul, saying that the "exceptional medical treatment" is workable if the public doesn’t have an NHI IC card to go to the hospital due to the earthquake. They should help those people and offer appropriate treatment. 
