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Incentives and Subsidies

Ministry of Labor Unemployment Benefit

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  • 友善列印
  • 地點:Taiwan
  • 發布日期:
  • 單位:Ministry of Labor
  • 更新日期:2020/07/20
  • 點閱次數:403
Ministry of Labor Unemployment Benefit

I. Insurant of employment insurance is able to apply for unemployment payment with the following criteria:
1. Involuntarily leave the job.
2. Accumulated insurance year more than 1 year within the previous 3 years before the insurance cancellation date and leave date.
3. Able to work and have the intention to work
4. Registered for job-seeking request at public employment service institutions, but is not able to recommend for employment or arrange employment training.

II. The amount of Unemployment Benefit is the 60% of average insured salary of the applicant within six months before the month of insurance cancellation and job leave, and start from 15 days after the applicant register for job-seeking request at public employment service institutions. Please refer to the website of Bureau of Labor Insurance, Ministry of Labor for further information.
