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Long-term retention of skilled foreign workers program

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  • 友善列印
  • 地點:臺灣
  • 發布日期:
  • 單位:勞動部勞動力發展署
  • 更新日期:2022/09/07
  • 點閱次數:246
Long-term retention of skilled foreign workers program

▍Long-term retention of skilled foreign workers program

A. I have been working in Taiwan for almost 12 years. After my current contract is up, can I continue to work in the country?

B. Taiwan’s government has rolled out a “long-term retention of skilled foreign workers program.” If you meet its requirements, there is a chance you can be classified as an “intermediate skilled worker” and be able to continue working in Taiwan.

A: Really? Which industries are covered by the program?

Industry sector:

Manufacturing, construction,agriculture (limited to orchids, edible mushrooms, vegetables, outreach agricultural services) and the fishing industry

Social welfare sector:

Institutional and live-in caregivers
