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K-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education Subsidize the Implementation of Chinese Remedial Courses

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  • 友善列印
  • 地點:Taiwan
  • 發布日期:
  • 單位:Ministry of Education
  • 更新日期:2020/07/22
  • 點閱次數:154
K-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education Subsidize the Implementation of Chinese Remedial Courses

Based on “K-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education Subsidies for Educational Guidance Programs for Children of New Residents”, we subsidize the implementation of Chinese remedial courses for those resides abroad for a long time, but come back to Taiwan now and lacks of basic Chinese communication skill:

1. Schools hire teachers to conduct Chinese remedial program, and if necessary, schools may hire assistant interpreter for instantly translation for the communication between teachers and stedents. Schools also may introduce parents as assistant interpreter for convenience and subsidize the salary of assistant interpreter to help students together.

2. The implementation period is February 1st of every calendar year to January 31st of the next year. Based on the annual budget, Ministry of Education will allocate the approved fund to local governments before February of every calendar year, and then allocate to schools for the implementation of the courses.

3. If children of new residents will return to their homeland during semesters, the fund can be used in advance, and if the fund is insufficient, local governments may apply program subsidy to us.

Contact Window: K-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education, Ms. Chen, 04-3706-1228
