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Epidemic prevention

CECC plans to ease disease prevention and control measures for certain venues starting this week and to conditionally allow some entertainment and leisure venues to open starting October 5

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  • 地點:臺灣
  • 發布日期:
  • 單位:衛生福利部疾病管制署
  • 更新日期:2021/09/28
  • 點閱次數:211

On September 27, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that as the pandemic has continued to subside and the situation is under control in Taiwan, it plans to ease disease prevention and control measures for certain venues starting this week and to conditionally allow some leisure and entertainment venues to open starting October 5. Detailed disease prevention and control measures will be implemented according to related guidelines issued/amended by competent ministries and council, and general principles are listed below.

A. Adjustment to control measures for venues (measures to be eased starting this week):

1. Taiwan High-Speed Rail (THSR) and Taiwan Railway Administration (TRA): consuming food and beverages can be allowed at the station paid area if social distancing can be maintained.

2. Tour buses: tour buses can be permitted to carry the same number of passengers as the approved number of seats without an upper limit on the number of passengers.

3. Art performance and exhibitions, and sports events and games:

(1) Contact information registration, temperature taking, mask-wearing at all times, and eating and drinking ban.

(2) Indoors: the number of people allowed in an indoor venue is based on the capacity of the venue, not subject to a limit of 80 people indoors; the number of people can be seated according to the actual number of seats, not subject to checkerboard seating/staggered seating arrangement.

(3) Outdoors: a 50% reduction in the maximum number of people (e.g. 50% of the actual number of seats), not subject to a limit of 300 people outdoors.

(4) Onsite ticketing can be permitted without subject to reservations if social distancing can be maintained when people stand in the line outdoors and indoors.

(5) Social distancing must be maintained indoors and outdoors before the start of a performance, during the intermission and at the end of the performance.

B. Some leisure and entertainment venues (starting October 5), including video game arcades, Internet cafes, MTVs, KTVs (self-service KTV and telephone booth-like KTV) and board game cafes, and majiang clubs, will be allowed to conditionally open and should abide by disease prevention and management measures and guidelines for related venues issued by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

C. Venues that should remain closed:

Singing and dance venues, nightclubs, clubs, hostess bars, bars, pubs, and beauty parlors (tourist parlors and audio-video parlors).
