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The Foreign Nationals UI No. uses the same rules of Citizen’s ID code and it benefits nearly one million people

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  • 地點:Taiwan
  • 發布日期:
  • 單位:內政部移民署
  • 更新日期:2020/11/05
  • 點閱次數:304
The Foreign Nationals UI No. uses the same rules of Citizen’s ID code and it benefits nearly one million people

1. Because the current UI No. format for foreign nationals differs from that of citizens’ ID cards, it has hindered foreign nationals from carrying out such matters as online shopping, ticket booking, hospital registration, and so on. The European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan (ECCT) has repeatedly drawn this situation to the attention of government agencies in its annual Position Papers.

2. To establish a friendly environment for foreign nationals, and with reference to the ECCT’s suggestions, the NIA will change the UI No. format for foreign nationals from the current code consisting of two English letters followed by eight digits to a new code consisting of one English letter followed by nine digits (hereafter referred to as “the new UI No.”), in conformity with the code used for citizens’ ID card numbers.

3. In the future, the new foreign nationals UI No. will be changed according to the format of the citizens’ ID card. It will not only enable the foreign nationals to conduct online shopping, ticket booking, medical registration and other matters more smoothly, but also represent the government determination to continue its efforts to improve the convenience of foreign nationals in Taiwan. 
