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Vietnam becomes the third Asian country to be hit by African swine fever

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  • 地點:臺灣
  • 發布日期:
  • 單位:內政部移民署
  • 更新日期:2020/07/28
  • 點閱次數:246

African swine fever is spreading fast! After China and Mongolia, African swine fever cases have been detected in North Vietnam, thus making Vietnam the third Asian country to be hit by the disease. In view of this, the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine (BAHIQ) officially announced that beginning February 20, 2019, travelers who bring pork products from Vietnam to Taiwan illegally will be fined NT$200,000.

According to the Central Emergency Operation Center for African Swine Fever in Taiwan, the Animal Health Department in Vietnam announced that African swine fever cases have been detected in pig farms located in the southeast of Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, and the local government has killed all the pigs in these farms. In response to the African swine fever outbreak in Vietnam, travelers who are found to bring pork from Vietnam to Taiwan illegally will be fined NT$200,000 for the first time and NT$1,000,000 for the second time. Travelers who fail to pay a fine of NT$200,000 will be sent to the National Immigration Agency immediately and refused entry into Taiwan on the spot.

It is worth noting that coincidentally at this point of time, the Chinese government has also announced that African swine fever cases have also taken place in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in China, which is connected to Hanoi, Vietnam.

Not long ago, Dr. Lai Shiow-Suey, an emeritus professor at the School of Veterinary Medicine, National Taiwan University previously said, all the countries are proactively preventing the spread of African swine fever, and this disease has only spread across 100 kilometers in Europe over one year. However, this disease, which began to hit China in August last year, has spread thousands of kilometers within just five months. At present, the disease has reached Vietnam. Epidemic prevention has been tightly enforced in Taiwan. BAHIQ also reminds the public not to challenge this rule by bringing pork from Vietnam illegally.

(Source: SETN.com)
