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Fourth automatic 30-day extension for foreigners entering Taiwan on or before March 21 with visa waiver, visitor visa, or landing visa (no application required) (overstayers excepted)

  • 回上一頁
  • 友善列印
  • 地點:臺灣
  • 發布日期:
  • 單位:Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • 更新日期:2020/07/28
  • 點閱次數:541

Due to the impact that COVID-19 border control measures and flight bans have had on foreign visitors to Taiwan, MOFA announced the first automatic 30-day visa extension on March 21, the second on April 17, and the third on May 18.

Although the pandemic has recently showed signs of abating, nations worldwide are still generally enforcing strict border controls and international airlines have yet to resume regular operations, making international travel difficult. In light of these conditions, MOFA announces that all travelers who entered Taiwan on or before March 21, 2020, on a visitor visa, a landing visa, or through a visa-waiver program and who have not overstayed their legal stay period will now be granted a fourth automatic 30-day extension (The duration of stay has thus been extended to 120 days in total). No application is required. The total period of stay cannot exceed 180 days. (The day after the entry date will be counted as the first day of stay). These conditions are subject to change and may be adjusted as circumstances require.

Foreigners who have already stayed in Taiwan for the maximum 180 days or those who have overstayed their visas should consult the National Immigration Agency website . The website details the regulations for foreigners who meet specific criteria during the pandemic to apply for special duration of stay extensions, as well as explaining the Expanded Overstayers Voluntary Departure Program and other measures.
