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Incentives and Subsidies

Care Subsidies during Job Training

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  • 友善列印
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  • 發布日期:
  • 單位:Taipei City Government
  • 更新日期:2018/05/21
  • 點閱次數:337

Those who participate in job training and meet the following requirements are eligible for subsidies:

1. New immigrants who have residency and reside in Taipei City.

2. Applicants who are from low-income families or have income not meeting the 20% tax bracket based on tax collection agents’ evaluation are qualified. The same applicants claim to be dependents of taxpayers who are in aforementioned situations are eligible.

3. Applicants’ spouses who possess disability card or verification documents, or are over 45 years old with catastrophic illness card. Or applicants have family members in the following conditions, but their spouses are unable to assist in care:
(1) Immediate family members who are under 12 years old.
(2) Applicants or their spouses have immediate family members who are over 65 years old.

4. The aforementioned applicants are in care facilities or taken care by caregivers.
