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New Immigrant Development Fund

Medical Care

The ibaby Website for Parenthood

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  • Location:Taiwan
  • Date:
  • Update Date:2020/07/20
  • Clicks:198

Being about to have a baby is joyful yet exhausting, as handling everything can be draining. Mandatory registration for newborns (such as registration of birth, national health insurance [NHI] enrollment, application for an NHI card, application for subsidies, etc.) can be especially tiring since they each require a visit to different institutions. As a result, parents would end up not following required procedures due to lack of experience or information. In severe cases, they may fall victim to fraudulent agencies such as the “labor insurance scalper,” and suffer loss, damage or even liability. Therefore, the Ministry of Health and Welfare has launched the ibaby network and expanded its services by thoroughly examining official registration, services and welfare related to parenthood along with competent authorities. The breakdown of parenthood includes marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, newborns and preschoolers. Through a shared platform and integrated resources, we hope to improve our workflow and provide a one-stop service to our target users.
