
The National Health Insurance Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare reminds everyone that those with a refillable prescription for patients with chronic illnesses during the Lunar New Year period can claim their medication ten days ahead of time to have a worry-free new year.


With the arrival of the Lunar New Year holidays, the consecutive holidays now span seven days. In response to medical institutions reducing or discontinuing clinics for drug dispensing services, the National Health Insurance Administration, Ministry of Health (hereinafter the NHIA), following a precedent, will relax regulations to prevent medication interruptions for those with a refillable prescription for patients with chronic illnesses. If the last day (the date of all medication consumed) of medication admission days the last time (last month) falls within the Lunar New Year period from February 8, 2024 to February 14, 2024, these individuals may return to the clinic 10 days before the Lunar New Year holidays (i.e. beginning January 29, 2024) for the doctor to issue a prescription or present the prescription of chronic disease to claim medication for the following month. 

According to the NHIA, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations Governing the National Health Insurance Medical Care, “a refillable prescription for patients with chronic illnesses” refers to a long-term medication prescription for patients with chronic illnesses whose condition is stable. Currently, the validity period of a refillable prescription for patients with chronic illnesses is calculated based on the medication administration days in the original prescription issued by the doctor, which can be up to 90 days and dispensed in batches. Every day, up to 30 days’ worth of medication is prescribed. Individuals with a refillable prescription for patients with chronic illnesses can only claim medication for the following month if they present the original prescription within 10 days of the last medication period. In response to the 2024 Lunar New Year holidays, the general public with a refillable prescription for patients with chronic illnesses is reminded to claim their medication ahead of time to ensure uninterrupted medication and a worry-free new year.

  • 編修日期:2024/02/02
  • 上稿單位:衛生福利部中央健康保險署
更新日期: 2024年5月18日