
Election Master Tutorial Online Activity Results


I. Activity: Election Master Tutorial

II. Schedule

1. Period: From December 26, 2023 to January 13, 2024

2. Activity launch date: December 26, 2023

3. Award announcement date: January 17, 2024

III. Activity Description

Through this Q&A game, not only is our anti-bribery policy promoted to new immigrants and the spread of this issue enhanced, but also the situation of the users of IFI Network is surveyed and analyzed, which can be used by the National Immigration Agency as a guideline for the provision of website information in the future.

IV. Question Design

(I)  Personal information survey

  1. What is your gender? (1)Male (2) Female

  2. What is your age range? (1) 19 years old or under (2) 20-29 years old (3) 30-39 years old (4) 40-49 years old (5) 50-59 years old (6) 60 years old or above

  3. Which district do you live in? (1) Taipei, New Taipei, Keelung, and Taoyuan areas (2) Hsinchu and Maioli areas (3) Taichung, Changhua, and Nantou areas (4) Yunlin, Chiayi, and Tainan areas (5) Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas (6) Yilan, Hualien, Taitung, and islands outside of the mainland Taiwan areas

(II) Q&A

1. Which of the following is a common election bribery tactic? (1) Giving gifts (2) Dining (3) Sponsoring activities (4) All for the above answers   Answer: (4)

2. The chief of the village took me on a free trip. I felt the need to repay him/her, so I voted for a certain candidate he/she asked me to vote for. Is this correct? Answer: No 

3. What is the maximum amount of reward for election bribery?

Answer: NT20,000,000

V. Activity Results

(I) Participants: With a total of 151 people participating in this activity, there were 144 people filling in their personal information being valid samples for the analysis of this activity.

(II) Gender survey: Of the 144 people who filled in their personal information, 52 (36%) were males and 92 (64%) were females. 78 out of 92 females answered all three questions, representing a correct response rate of 84.7%. 42 out of 52 males answered all three questions, representing a correct response rate of 80.7%.

(III) Age range surveys:

1. 19 years old or under: 4 people, accounting for 3%. 3 people answered all three questions correctly, representing a correct response rate of 75%.

2. 20-29 years old: 18 people, accounting for 12%. 14 people answered all three questions correctly, representing a correct response rate of 77.8%.

3. 30-39 years old: 45 people, accounting for 31%. 36 people answered all three questions correctly, representing a correct response rate of 80%.

4. 40-49 years old: 50 people, accounting for 35%. 43 people answered all three question correctly, representing a correct response rate of 86%.

5. 50-59 years old: 16 people, accounting for 11%. 14 people answered all three questions correctly, representing a correct response rate of 87.5%.

6. 60 years old or above: 11 people, accounting for 8%. 10 people answered all three questions correctly, representing a correct response rate of 90.9%.

(IV) Residence area surveys:

1. Taipei, New Taipei, Keelung, and Taoyuan areas: 63 people, accounting for 44%. 52 people answered all three questions correctly, representing a correct response rate of 82.5%.

2. Hsinchu and Maioli areas: 5 people, accounting for 4%. 4 people answered all three questions correctly, representing a correct response rate of 80%.

3. Taichung, Changhua, and Nantou areas: 36 people, accounting for 25%. 30 people answered all three questions correctly, representing a correct response rate of 83.3%.

4. Yunlin, Chiayi, and Tainan areas: 12 people, accounting for 8%. 10 people answered all three questions correctly, representing a correct response rate of 83.3%.

5. Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas: 25 people, accounting for 17%. 21 people answered all three questions correctly, representing a correct response rate of 84%. 

6. Yilan, Hualien, Taitung, and islands outisde of the mainland Taiwan areas: 3 people, accounting for 2%. 2 people answered all three questions correctly, representing a correct response rate of 66%.

VI. Summary

(I) Gender

1. According to the survey results, females are more interested in anti-bribery issues and have a higher participation rate than males.

2. From the correct response rate, it unveiled that females are relatively more responsive and have more complete cognitive and comprehension skills than males on this issue.

3. In order to increase males’ participation in and understanding of political campaigns and related issues, it can incorporate campaign issues into males’ favorite activities, including sports events, and popular media, including broadcasting to raise their attention in the future.

(II) Age range

1. From the results of survey, it unveiled that the middle-aged group of 30-49 years old has the highest participation rate in this issue, with a correct response rate of more than 80%.

2. The young group aged under 19 (inclusive) is relatively unresponsive to the issue. It is suggested that in the future, the awareness of anti-bribery content among this group can be further enhanced by strengthening publicity and increasing exposure. 

3. As the age range increases, the correct response rate also shows a growing trend, indicating that age affects the level of understanding of anti-bribery issues.

4. In the future, age-appropriate information should be developed for promotional activities, so people of different age groups can understand and participate more easily.

(III) Residential area

1. There was no significant difference in the response rate of participants from each residential area, with the correct rate exceeding 80%, (except for the areas of Yilan, Hualien, Taitung, and islands outside of mainland Taiwan, where the statistics were relatively low due to the low number of denominator resulting from the demographic structure of Taiwan), representing that there is no obvious correlation between the residential areas and the level of understanding of the questions.

2. In the future, it should continue to promote the issue in a region-wide and comprehensive manner, whether in physical or online campaigns, to ensure a wider coverage of the issue.

  • 編修日期:2024/01/24
  • 上稿單位:內政部移民署
更新日期: 2024年5月19日