Education Courses

Adult Basic Education Programs by the Chiayi County Government


We have launched adult basic education programs (grouped into foreign spouse classes and common classes). The purpose is to help unschooled citizens acquire basic competency in literacy, language and arithmetic as well as daily living skills. By promoting lifelong learning, we expect to elevate the current literacy rate and Taiwan’s competitiveness. The adult basic education programs admit Taiwanese citizens (including disabled adults) and foreign spouses (including Chinese ones). Concerning the requirements, applicants must live in Chiayi County, be aged 15 or above, and illiterate or have no elementary school degree or equivalent. Classes are grouped into three levels (beginner, middle and advanced) with each term of program taking two/three months based on the weekly schedule. Six to nine hours of lectures are delivered each week, comprising a total of 72 hours per term.

  • 編修日期:2020/06/29
  • 上稿單位:Chiayi County Government
更新日期: 2024年5月19日