List of local service centers for foreign spouses or families with immigrant members


Service Description:
1.Eligible applicants: Foreign spouses and their families
2.Services available:
 (1)Case management: Inquiry on documents and credentials; marriage/family counseling guidance; financial and career assistance; parenthood support; inquiry on welfare; emotional support; and case referral.
 (2)Individual support: Support groups hosted by professional counselors help foreign spouses acquire social skills, in order to build a strong support network and improve family communication.
 (3)Family support: Parent-child activities and family gatherings are planned to help children of foreign spouses socialize with peers. Also, families with immigrant members may take a break from routine for family bonding.
3.The following attachment lists local service centers for families with immigrant members.

  • 編修日期:2016/12/01
  • 上稿單位:衛生福利部


更新日期: 2024年5月19日