
Eligibility for Entry Ban Exemption under the Carefree COVID-19 Vaccination Program

Eligibility for Entry Ban Exemption  under the Carefree COVID-19 Vaccination Program

Eligibility for Entry Ban Exemption under the Carefree COVID-19 Vaccination Program

Q1 Who is eligible for applying for exemption of entry ban?

For overstayers or undocumented migrant workers (including foreign nationals, Mainland Chinese, residents of Hong Kong/Macao) who got vaccinated after the start of the program on December 3, 2021, and surrendered to a law enforcement agency (police or the NIA) and paid administrative penalty, they may apply to the NIA for exemption of entry ban. Once approved, the applicants must leave Taiwan by the designated date; otherwise, their entry ban will still be enforced.

Q2 How will exemption of entry ban be disposed? 

In light of the restart of international flights to countries such as Vietnam beginning in January, 2022, the NIA sets April 29, 2022, as the official date which international flights resume to their regular operation. Those who got vaccinated after the start of the program, their exemption will be granted based on conditions below:

1. Those who surrendered on or before April 29, 2022, they may apply to the NIA for entry ban exemption. Meanwhile, they must leave Taiwan no later than October 29, 2022. (6 months after regular international flight resumption) If they fail to leave before this date, their exemption of entry ban will be cancelled.

2. Those who surrendered after April 29, 2022, they may also apply to the NIA for entry ban exemption. Meanwhile, they must leave Taiwan within 40 days after the day they surrendered. If they fail to leave Taiwan within the given 40 days, their exemption of entry ban will be cancelled.

3. To those whose exemption are cancelled, their recorder of surrendering will be revoked, and their entry ban will be enforced accordingly. 

Q3 Who will not be granted entry ban exemption?

1. Those applicants who surrendered, but fail to leave Taiwan by the designated date.

2. Those who are found to have records of unlawful activities.

3. Those who did not surrender voluntarily, meaning they were arrested or reported and therefore sent to the NIA. 

Q4 If my vaccination was received before the start of the program, am I still eligible for applying for entry ban exemption?

If you were already vaccinated before the start of the program, as long as you continued to receive booster dose of vaccine after the program started, you are still eligible to apply for exemption. Your COVID-19 Vaccination Record (the yellow card) must be presented.

Q5 If my COVID-19 Vaccination Record (the yellow card) was lost, can I still apply for entry ban exemption?

Yes. You must contact the vaccination site/clinic where you received the vaccine or the local health authorities to re-issue your COVID-19 Vaccination Record before you apply for exemption. Users of fraud documents or imposters will be put to investigation once they are found.

Q6 Where can I see the information about the rules of entry ban exemption?

Check the NIA website ( or contact local NIA brigades or service centers. 

  • 編修日期:2022/05/18
  • 上稿單位:內政部移民署


更新日期: 2024年5月7日