Medical Care

Say no to drugs, stay healthy

Say no to drugs, stay healthy

Taking drugs is dangerous

These look interesting, shall we try them? Be careful they could be drugs

If you accidentally take drugs you could lose your job

# Say no to drugs, stay healthy

If a foreign worker in Taiwan is found to have been involved in the manufacture, transportation, sale, transfer, use or possession of heroin, opium, morphine, cocaine, marijuana, aphetamine or any other substance listed by the Narcotics Hazard Prevention Act, he or she will face criminal prosecution or be placed in a drug rehabilitation facility. In such an event, the Ministry of Labor will revoke the worker’s employment permit, give them a limited period to leave the country and ban them from ever working in Taiwan.

  • 編修日期:2021/09/28
  • 上稿單位:勞動部勞動力發展署
更新日期: 2024年5月8日