
“Happy New Immigrant” Video Series on Youtube


The series, available in Chinese, Thai, Indonesian and Vietnamese, is dedicated by the New Taipei City Government to immigrants. The production is intended to deliver information on living, work, laws and regulations, parent-child reading, healthcare, culture, and governmental services. Through our bilingual programs (in Mandarin and one of the immigrant’s native languages), we hope to help immigrants adapt and learn. Another goal is to promote an understanding and respect for the languages and cultures of immigrants.
Each episode of the “Happy New Immigrant” series is co-produced and co-hosted with immigrants. The series is currently aired on Youtube and New Taipei City’s cable channel (CH3).

  • 編修日期:2016/03/10
  • 上稿單位:新北市政府新聞局
更新日期: 2024年5月19日