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Ministry of the Interior plans to charge nothing for first issue of digital ID card

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  • 友善列印
  • 地點:Taiwan
  • 發布日期:
  • 單位:Ministry of the Interior
  • 更新日期:2020/10/06
  • 點閱次數:543

The Ministry of the Interior is working on an advance notice of the amount of digital ID card charges in the future. In the future, the first issue digital ID card will not be charged. It will only be charged when the digital ID card is lost or reissued. For the current ID card, the replacement fee remains at NT$50 and re-issuance fee remains at NT$200.

The MOI is pushing for the complete replacement of the current ID cards with digital versions in the near future. The first issuance is free of charge; however, the MOI has tentatively set the fee for replacing a worn-out digital ID card.

The MOI says that the higher replacement fee is attributable to the higher cost of manufacturing the IC card, which is more secure as it is embedded with improved anti-fraud technology. The digital ID card is printed at Central Engraving and Printing Plant. Consideration of the cost of receipt, issuance, and transportation by the local government, the MOI is planned that those who have received a digital ID card will be charged NT$300 for a replacement.

As for the much higher reissue fee of NT$900, the MOI explains that in case of a lost card, the ministry has to consider related information risk control and management by engaging in investigation and verification. The ministry says it welcomes the public to provide their opinions with regard to the fees.

The MOI says that for the current ID card, the replacement fee remains at NT$50 and re-issuance fee remains at NT$200.
