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It is reassured to eat out using re-washable tableware

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  • 友善列印
  • 地點:臺灣
  • 發布日期:
  • 單位:衛生福利部疾病管制署
  • 更新日期:2020/06/30
  • 點閱次數:317

Affected by the COVID-19, CECC said some catering operators worry that consumers have doubts about the use of repeated cleaning tableware, and switch to disposable tableware. It is expected to increase the number of paper disposable tableware by 50%. Taiwan has effectively managed the containment of the corona-virus within our borders, and CECC advertises new life guidance of COVID-19. It is reassured to eat out using re-washable tableware, and we can also protect our environment by using less disposable tableware.

CECC said catering operators should follow the Guidelines for Good Tableware Cleaning of FDA with environmental cleaning and disinfection to ensure the safety of dining out. In addition to the waste of resources, disposable tableware also causes an environmental problem. The best way to dine in public places in response to the epidemic situation is to wash hands with soap before meals, keep personal hygiene, and reduce the use of disposable tableware.
